
Neu Internationale Stimmen zum 11. September - Video Google deutsch

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VIDEOS deutsch
Loose Change Video - International
Loose Change - deutsch synchronisiert
Loose Change Special
9/11 Videos     
9/11 TV
7/7-London Videos
False-Flag-Terror Videos
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Vote Fraud


NEU Loose Change deutsche Synchronfassung

NEU 911 Mysteries mit deutschen Untertiteln + Pandoras Black Box

NEU DVD "USA - Verdeckte Operationen" von Frank Dorrel - deutsche Untertitel

NEU 911 Revisited deutsche Untertitelversion - online ansehen bei nuoviso.de

dieBandbreite aus Duisburg




Loose Change - International


Loose Change is a documentary written and directed by Dylan Avery which presents an alternative explanation of events during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks. The film alleges that the attacks were not the result of terrorism but a series of cleverly executed events carried out by the US government. It was released through the creators' company, Louder than Words, and received wide attention after being featured on local FOX affiliate, WICZ-TV (FOX 40).

International Broadcasters Planete France, Canal+ Poland, VRT Belgium, Vara Holland, Noga Israel, MBC Middle East, Noga Israel, Globosat Brazil and Rai Italy are all licencing the film or parts of the film for 9/11 anniversary shows in 2006 .

A new theatre version of Loose Change will be released just before 9/11 2007. US-actor Charlie Sheen will be narrating the film

Die neue Kinoversion von "Loose Change" kommt ab September in eine bislang unbekannte Zahl von Kinos in den USA und in anderen Ländern.
Sprecher des Films ist der US-Schauspieler Charlie Sheen. Verleih und Filmrechte liegen bei Magnolia Pictures.
Der Besitzer, Mark Cuban, ein mehrfacher Milliardär, hat sich in Interviews zwar nicht ausdrücklich hinter den Film gestellt, sondern er sagte,
dass er die breite Diskussion einer so extremen Darstellung der Ereignisse des 11.9.2001 für absolut notwendig hält.
Das war vielleicht auch deswegen so vorsichtig formuliert, weil zu diesem Zeitpunkt dem Schauspieler Charlie Sheen auf FOX TV
und in rechten Blogs bereits offen mit dem Ende seiner Karriere gedroht wurde.
Zur gleichen Zeit wurde die bekannte TV-Persönlichkeit Rosie O`Donnel massiv angegriffen, sie hatte in ABC Fernsehsendung "The View" begonnen,
mehrfach über den Einsturz des WTC7 Gebäudes und dessen mögliche kontrollierte Sprengung offen zu diskutieren.
Anfang Mai wurde bekannt, dass die Fluggesellschaft von Richard Branson, Virgin Airlines den Film "Loose Change" in ihr Filmprogramm aufgenommen hatte.
Daraufhin fand eine massive Kampagne gegen Virgin Airlines statt, welche Loose Change wieder zurückzog.
Eine Liste von zahlreichen internationalen Persönlichkeiten, die sich zu den Vertuschungen des 11.9.2001 geäussert haben findet man

Size: 698 MB DVD Rip Direct Download



LC2 Chinese Subtitles 1of3 (WMV 47mb)
LC2 Chinese Subtitles 2of3 (WMV 47mb)  
LC2 Chinese Subtitles 3of3 (WMV 47mb)

LC2 Korean Subtitles 1of3 (WMV 44megs)
LC2 Korean Subtitles 2of3 (WMV 45megs)
LC2 Korean Subtitles 3of3 (WMV 43megs)

LC2 Danish Subtitles 1of3 (WMV 45megs)
LC2 Danish Subtitles 2of3 (WMV 45megs)
LC2 Danish Subtitles 3of3 (WMV 45megs)

LC2 French Subtitles 1of3 (WMV 45megs)
LC2 French Subtitles 2of3 (WMV 45megs)
LC2 French Subtitles 3of3 (WMV 45megs)

LC2 Polish Subtitles 1of3 (WMV 45megs)
LC2 Polish Subtitles 2of3 (WMV 45megs)
LC2 Polish Subtitles 3of3 (WMV 45megs)

LC2 Swedish Subtitles 1of3 (WMV 45megs)
LC2 Swedish Subtitles 2of3 (WMV 45megs)
LC 2 Swedish Subtitles 3of3 (WMV 45megs)



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Danish Subtitled          Download
Polish Subtitled           Download



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Finish Subtitled          Download
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Italian Dubbed           Download
French Synchronized Download     Information



Subtitles for Loose Change: Dutch, Danish, French, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Hebrew, German, Italian, Turkish, Russian, Arabian


Loose Change - Deutsch

deutsch synchronisierte Fassung jetzt online


Loose Change deutsche Synchronfassung - Google Video

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Loose Change Trailer (911video.de)

in der deutschen UT Version 2.000.000 mal gesehen

Loose Change mit deutschen Untertiteln - Google Video

hier UT Version zum download

High Quality MPG-Version.

Loose Change 2E dtsch UT Teil 1 (WMV 45mb)

LC 2 dtsch UT 2.Teil (WMV 45mb)----LC 2 dtsch UT 3.Teil (WMV 45mb)

& hier bei archive.org ( rechts klicken - Ziel speichern unter (Zielordner wählen)



"Loose Change" – drei amerikanische Jungfilmer stellen unbequeme Fragen zu 9/11

Für nur 6000 Dollar produzierten drei junge Studenten einen Dokumentarfilm, der sich unbeantworteter Fragen zu den Terrorangriffen vom 11. September 2001 annimmt. Der kontroverse Film zweifelt die offizielle Version der Ereignisse an und zeigt die Widersprüchlichkeiten der Geschehnisse auf, die von den Massenmedien bisher nicht untersucht wurden.

Die Filmemacher appellieren an die Zuschauer, die Fakten und Zeitdokumente selbst zu prüfen und zu erkennen, dass die offizielle Darstellung der Vorgänge des 11.09.01 eine unbelegbare Theorie ist.
Hauptthese von "Loose Change" ist, dass 9/11 eine ausgeklügelte Täuschungsoperation gewesen sei, die die Bush-Regierung inszeniert habe, um einen Vorwand zu haben mit dem sie den 'Krieg gegen den Terror'starten konnte um damit ihre geopolitischen Machtstratgien durchzusetzen.

An vielen Universitäten wurden freie Vorstellungen organisiert und Leute begannen auf eigene Kosten tausende von DVDs herzustellen und kostenlos zu verteilen. Die Produzenten weisen in diesem Zusammenhang ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass das Copyright für ihren Film ausgesetzt ist.

Seit Ende Juli 2006 erschienen auch in der deutschsprachigen Presse (z.B. FAZ, ZDF heute-journal, Tagesspiegel, Berliner Zeitung, Spiegel TV, WDR, 3Sat, N24) vermehrt Berichte über den Film und über die Bestrebungen in den USA eine neue unabhängige Untersuchungskommission einzurichten.

Der Film wurde in Holland und in Belgien im Fernsehen ausgestrahlt und Fernsehsender in Frankreich, Italien,
Polen, Holland, Australien und Israel haben "Loose Change" gesendet. In Grossbritanien wurde er auf Asian TV Kanal GEO in Hindi synchronisiert gezeigt.


www.loosechange911.com        Loose Change Forum




Loose Change Special

Loose Change Trailer - Google Video

Loose Change Trailer (911video.de)

Smorgasbord of content from Louder Than Words - Google Video

A presentation of both the actions of Louder Than Words and a preview of content from Loose Change: Final Cut which was intended for broadcast at the 9/11 Truth Chicago Conference

Presentation from the American Scholars Symposium

DVD Bonus Footage 9/11/05 - Google Video Dutch Intro Loose Change DVD

Korey Rowe Interviewed by Alex Jones

Fox40-News on Loose Change - Google Video

Fox40-News on Loose Change 1/2 - Download

Fox40-News on Loose Change 2/2 - Download

Spiegel TV (German TV) - Report on Loose Change 2006

Heute-Journal (German TV) - Report on Loose Change

Neu Internationale Stimmen zum 11. September - deutsch



more 9/11 Videos

NEU - wöchentlicher 9/11 Nachrichten

9/11 Solution

"The Third Stage": it feels like 2 hours worth of information, yet is only 20 min:

"WTC 7 the Smoking Gun"(15 min, shows never before seen footage, the BBC thing)

The Underlying Politics of Fear, which goes into the origins of the hijackers, Atta,
the Rockefeller/Kissinger connection, Able Danger and Moussaoui:

The Road To Shanksville, by the award winning Guerilla News Network
(part 1 and 2)

Smoking gun of Pakistani Intelligence involvement(4 minutes)
covers Mahmoud/Omar Sheihk wiring money to Atta, ISI involved in early planning of 9/11 back in the late 90's, etc:

911 Solution - The big clue everyone missed (10 mins)

Full BBC News Report of WTC7 collapse - 23 minutes BEFORE??

Michael Meacher and Andreas Von Bülow express their serious doubts about 911 (16 mins)

MIT Engineer Breaks Down WTC Controlled Demolition (13 mins)

William Rodriguez on BBC Look North 3 min

Jeff King, MIT engineer


911 Mysteries

The first 9/11 movie designed specifically for the mainstream audience, a theatrical quality movie-length DVD with a full original soundtrack.


"Excellent. The best of the 9/11 movies."
--David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor

"WOW! is my reaction to this movie. Great insight into demolitions and what really happened on 9/11/2001."
--Steven E. Jones, physics professor, Brigham Young University

"An outstanding contribution to understanding 9/11. Simply superb."
--James H. Fetzer, founder, Scholars for 911 Truth

90 minutes of pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with staggering witness testimonials. Moving from "the myth" through "the analysis" and into "the players," careful deconstruction of the official story set right alongside clean, clear science. The 9/11 picture is not one of politics or nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict and simple physics. How do you get a 10-second 110-story pancake collapse?

A movie that might actually reach our complacent mainstream. No agenda. No finger-pointing. Just the facts and the "mysteries." Look at that. Think about this. A story of people: Willie Rodriguez's strange recollection of noises on the 34th floor. Who was up there, bumping around? Scott Forbes' similar story, weeks before the towers fell. A story of blasting itself. Here's how shaped charges slice through steel beams to control the way they fall.

911 Mysteries - Deutsche Untertitel - Google Video

911 Mysteries engl._Trailer (WMV 6 megs)

9/11Myteries Part1 Demolitions - Google Video

911 Mysteries Part 1 Demolitions 1of3 - Download (WMV 47mb)

911 Mysteries Part 1 Demolitions 2of3 - Download (WMV 47mb)

911 Mysteries Part 1 Demolitions 3of3 - Download (WMV 47mb)

911 Mysteries - High Quality - Download (Avi,700mb)

9/11 Mysteries - subtítulo español - Google Video

9/11 Mysteries - Dutch Nederlands ondertiteld - Google Video

911 Mysteries - Danish/Dansk Subtitles - Google Video


The 9/11 Whistle-Blowers

Pandoras Black Box - Chapter 2

Flight of American 77

 Pandoras Black Box - Google Video

Pilotsfor911truth.org presents its first full documentary based on the American 77 Flight Data Recorder as provided by the NTSB following

the full flight in real time as it happens in the air traffic system on Sept. 11, 2001.


The Improbable Collapse

The Demolition of our Republic


Improbable Collapse thoroughly reviews the evidence for WTC demolitions from a scientific perspective.

The original version of Improbable Collapse enjoyed a successful premiere on April 9th in New York City and follow-up showing at the Chicago 9/11 Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future conference in June. At both events, new images and interviews were acquired that greatly enhance the film. Most significantly, interviews with Glenn Corbett, Kevin Ryan and Steven E. Jones were added.

Kevin Ryan was dismissed from his executive position at Underwriters Laboratories in 2004, after the public release of a letter he wrote to Frank Gayle, a scientist in the World Trade Center fire investigation. Ryan asked Gayle to clarify the results of a UL fire test on behalf of the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). In the test, steel structures similar to those used in the WTC were subjected to furnace fires for two hours at temperatures higher than those in the Twin Towers on September 11th. The steel withstood the test easily, and Ryan concluded this raised serious concerns about the NIST collapse hypothesis.
This is the first interview Kevin Ryan has granted on film.

Glenn Corbett, a professor of fire science at John Jay College in New York, serves as a lead adviser to the Skyscraper Safety Campaign. He has been outspoken in criticizing the rapid scrapping of steel recovered from the Ground Zero site, and the resulting handicap to all investigations of the collapse mechanism. However, Corbett provides a balancing perspective with his strong support of the widely accepted hypothesis that the Twin Towers came down as the result of plane hits and damage from fire, and that WTC 7 fell due to damage caused by the fall of the other buildings and subsequent fire.

The Improbable Collapse - Google Video

The Improbable Collapse - Download (Avi,700mb)

The Improbable Collapse - Download (Avi,700mb)



Aktenzeichen 11.9.ungelöst

File 9/11 unsolved

- 2003 einmalig im WDR gesendet -

Willy Brunner and Gerhard Wisnewski were filmmakers contracted by German public television to create this excellent documentary about the unanswered questions of 9/11. Fully approved by management, the day after airing the management said it was full of lies and fired the film makers.

German with English Subtitles - Google Video ........................... Download

File 911 Unsolved 1of2 (WMV 48megs)

File 911 Unsolved 2of2 (WMV 48megs)



911 Revisited

Wurden die Twin Towers sowie Gebäude 7 am 11. September 2001 durch Sprengladungen zum Einsturz gebracht? Das zumindest behauptet der Film 9/11 Revisited von Dustin Mugford.

deutsche Untertitelversion - online ansehen bei nuoviso.de

An excellent compilation of original news footage and selected lectures by experts on 911 collapse & explosives usage issues. [Buy the DVD]

9/11 Revisited V.2 (84min) - Google Video

9/11 Revisited (60min) - Google Video

911 Revisited 1of2 (WMV 42megs)

911 Revisited 2of2 (WMV 42megs)



9/11 Press for Truth


Following the attacks of September 11th, a small group of grieving families waged a tenacious battle against those who sought to bury the truth about the event?including, to their amazement, President Bush. In "9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH", six of them, including three of the famous "Jersey Girls", tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the greatest powers in Washington - and won! - compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.

Adapting Paul Thompson's definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (published by HarperCollins as "The Terror Timeline"), the filmmakers collaborate with documentary veterans Globalvision ("WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception", "Beyond JFK") to stitch together rare overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences, revealing a pattern of official lies, deception and spin. As a result, a very different picture of 9/11 emerges, one that raises new and more pressing questions.

What actions were taken by top government officials who received dozens of specific warnings before the attack? Was Osama Bin Laden and his top al Qaeda leadership allowed to escape U.S. forces in Afghanistan? And what has been the reason for the deliberate obscuring of evidence for state sponsorship? Perhaps the most important one of all: Why, five years later, are so many of the families? questions still unanswered?

Trailer - Google Video

Trailer - Remix - Google Video

9/11 - Press for Truth - Google Video

9/11 - Press for Truth - Dutch Nederlands ondertiteld - Google Video

Press for Truth -Download (Avi, 700mb)

Press for Truth - Download (Avi, 700mb)

Press for Truth - Download (Iso, 4Gb)



Who killed John O'Neill?

9/11 Truth Drama by dead art film

Who killed John O'Neill - English Version - Google Video

Who Killed John O'Neill - Deutsche Untertitel - Google Video

Who killed John O'Neill - Dutch Subtitles - Google Video

Who killed John O'Neill - Sous-titré français - Google Video



Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime

Largely ignored by the mainstream media, many of the disturbing facts surrounding the attacks of 9/11 raise deeply ethical questions associated with issues of accountability, justice and censorship in America.

"Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" may very well be the most compelling film yet outlining the disturbing and heavily censored facts associated with the worst terrorist attacks in American history. And while a grassroots movement worldwide continues to grow, and demand answers to the many unanswered questions, the public outcry for accountability and transparency makes this film, perhaps, the most important film of 2006.

"Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" is a free movie, produced by an independent artist, for educational and journalistic purposes only. Any proceeds derived from this premier event will go towards allaying the costs of presenting this film in the light of day, in New York City, in what is left of a free America in Tribeca.

Everbody's gotta learn sometime - Google Video

Everbody's gotta learn sometime - Dutch Nederlands ondertiteld - Google Video



Martial Law 9/11

Rise of the Police State

exposes the high-tech control grid that is being set up across America.

Out of the ashes of the September 11th tragedy, a empire of war and tyranny has risen. The Constitution has been shredded and America is now a Police State. This film exposes not just who was behind the 9-11 attacks, but the roots and history of its orchestrators.

From the frontlines of the Police State to the darkest sanctum of the secret society that controls it, Martial Law reveals the master plan of a group hell-bent on capturing America today -- and tomorrow the world.

Martial Law is a blazing spotlight piercing the electronic wall of controlled corporate media. Plumb the depths of the Elite's minds: their ideology, their driving philosophy - and uncover the power-mad "cult of Death" that is sworn to turn the Earth into a prison planet. Discover the documented truth yourself -- before it's too late.

Martial Law 9/11 - Google Video

Martial Law 9/11 - Deutsche Untertitel 1/5 - Google Video

Martial Law 9/11 - Deutsche Untertitel 2/5 - Google Video

Martial Law 9/11 - Deutsche Untertiel 3/5 - Google Video

Martial Law 9/11 - Deutsche Untertitel 4/5 - Google Video

Martial Law 9/11 - Deutsche Untertitel 5/5 - Google Video

Martial Law 9/11 - Dutch Nederlands ondertiteld - Google Video

Alex Jones - Martial Law 911 1of5 (WMV 48megs)

Alex Jones - Martial Law 911 2of5 (WMV 48megs)

Alex Jones - Martial Law 911 3of5 (WMV 48megs)

Alex Jones - Martial Law 911 4of5 (WMV 48megs)

Alex Jones - Martial Law 911 5of5 (WMV 48megs)

9/11 Martial Law - Deutsche Untertitel - Download



911 Eyewitness

Learn the truth about what happened at the World Trade Center on 9.11.2001 from eyewitness testimony and scientific analysis. The video reveals the previously unseen reverse angle to televised coverage of the Twin Towers and Seven World Trade collapsing and a lot more.

This is the only known unedited footage that contains a clear, real-time audio track of the many disturbing events that took place during the WTC destruction. Local news radio coverage was overheard playing in the background live at the Hoboken waterfront. Scientific analysis is presented in an easy to understand manner.

The pictures tell the story and this is one story that all New Yorkers, and anyone who was traumatized by the shocking attack on the WTC, must see. In memory of all those who perished, 911 Eyewitness is a voice of the victims that must never be forgotten.

9/11 Eyewitness - Google Video

911 Eyewitness 1of3 - Download (WMV 48mb)

911 Eyewitness 2of3 - Download (WMV 48mb)

911 Eyewitness 3of3 - Download (WMV 48mb)

9/11 Eyewitness Download (Avi 217mb)



The Great Conspiracy

This video is a 70-minute sequel to The Great Deception. That is a ground-breaking 44-minute video also by Barrie Zwicker. He was the first mainstream journalist in the world to go on air (in January 2002) and ask hard questions about the official story.

The Great Deception is a compilation of his series of seven commentaries on 9/11. In The Great Conspiracy, Zwicker updates and expands his critique. He analyses the use of fear to befuddle the public. He deconstructs the so-called "war on terrorism". He examines in depth the failure of the military on 9/11 and George Bush's highly inappropriate behaviour that day. He finds the 9/11 Commission to be a total coverup operation.

Throughout, he analyses the role of the mainstream media as complicit in keeping the public massively misinformed and befuddled. And he suggests what we can do. Those who have seen both works find them complementary.

The Great Conspiracy - Google Video

The Great Conspiracy - The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw 1of3 (WMV 48mb)

The Great Conspiracy - The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw 2of3 (WMV 48mb)

The Great Conspiracy - The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw 3of3 (WMV 48mb) 



The 911 Commission Report:

Omissions and Distortions

A lecture by David Ray Griffin about the "9/11 Commission Report" and his latest book " The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions".

In this lecture he debunks the entire Kean commission and the report as an enourmous lie through ommissions.

Omissions and Distortions - Google Video



Confronting The Evidence

Reopen 9/11!

Confronting the Evidence - Trailer - Google Video

Confronting the Evidence - Google Video

 Confronting the Evidence - A Call to reopen the 911 Investigation 1 of 5

Confronting the Evidence - A Call to reopen the 911 Investigation 2 of 5

Confronting the Evidence - A Call to reopen the 911 Investigation 3 of 5

Confronting the Evidence - A Call to reopen the 911 Investigation 4 of 5

Confronting the Evidence - A Call to reopen the 911 Investigation 5 of 5

911 Confronting the Evidence 1of5 (WMV 47mb)

911 Confronting the Evidence 2of5 (WMV 47mb)

911 Confronting the Evidence 3of5 (WMV 47mb)

911 Confronting the Evidence 4of5 (WMV 47mb)



War and Globalization

The Truth Behind September 11

In this lecture by Michel Chossudovsky, he blows away the smokescreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by "Islamic terrorists". Through meticulous research, he has uncovered a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration.

According to Chossudovsky, the "war on terrorism" is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The "war on terrorism" is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the "New World Order", dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex.

September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington's agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.

War and Globalisation - Google-Video



9/11 Revisited:

Scientific and Ethical Questions by Steven Jones at USVC

Lecture by Steven E. Jones, Professor of Physics, Brigham Young University, February 1st 2006.

In his paper, Why Indeed did the WTC Buildings Collapse , Jones cites evidence supporting the hypothesis that controlled demolition, rather than simply the impact of jet airliners and the ensuing fires, caused the buildings to collapse. In the treatise, Jones presents evidence for the explosive-demolition hypothesis, which has yet to be analyzed in any reports funded by the United States government. Jones notes all three buildings fell symmetrically into their footprints, a phenomenon associated with 'controlled demolition' and examined extensively by 9/11 researcher Jim Hoffman, in calling for renewed investigations into the 9/11 attacks. He points out, among other evidence, the speeds of the collapses, the "pulverization of concrete to flour-like powder," and the presence of horizontal puffs of smoke observed ascending the side of WTC 7, common when pre-positioned explosives are used to demolish buildings. Jones notes that some aspects of the buildings' collapses remain poorly understood and that the demolition hypothesis can quickly resolve much of the debate. A passage in his paper addressing this point:

"...How do the upper floors fall so quickly, then, and still conserve momentum in the collapsing buildings? The contradiction is ignored by FEMA, NIST and 9-11 Commission reports where conservation of momentum and the fall times were not analyzed. The paradox is easily resolved by the explosive demolition hypothesis, whereby explosives quickly remove lower-floor material including steel support columns and allow near free-fall-speed collapses (Harris, 2000)...."

Jones also examines the official reports by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (aka the 9/11 commission), which all conclude fires and damage alone caused complete demolition of all three buildings. A central topic within Jones essay is the contention that the condition and nature of the debris which remained following the buildings' collapses was not consistent with the scenarios documented by FEMA and NIST; in particular, along with the observations of molten metal at Ground Zero by Leslie Robertson (WTC structural engineer)and Dr. Allison Geyh (a public health investigator from Johns Hopkins), Jones cites and includes photographic evidence, which he says show molten metal in the debris, and notes the reports on sulfidation of structural steel.

Prof.Jones Lecture - Google Video

BYU Professor Steven Jones Gives Update On 9/11 Research (April 6, 2006)

BYU Professor Steven E. Jones gives an update on his research of the events of September 11th 2001. Research is being done regarding the what looks like "molten metal" pouring out of the South Tower, possibly thermite or thermate, same as used in explosives.

Google Video



Evidence to the Contrary REDUX 2006

With an all new intro featuring Tucker Carlson and The Lone Gunman Pilot, this video included the meat of "Are the Criminals frightened", "Loose Change 2E", "911 Eyewitness", and "Martial Law 911", broken up with commercials from Reopen911.org and the news clip from FOX that featured "Loose Change 2E".

With all new music by Paul Oakenfold.

Evidence to the Contrary REDUX 2006 - Google Video

911 - The Great Illusion

In this vide from 2004, George Humphrey provides objective and factual information while asking relevant questions concerning events which took place on September 11. This booklet gives a clear summary of the occurrences of 9/11 uncovering "The Great Illusion" presented by the predominate media. An invaluable tool to use at a grass roots level. Starting with ourselves, we can restore sanity and justice, one person at a time.

The Great Illusion 1/2 - Google Video

The Great Illusion 2/2 - Google Video



Face The Facts

911TruthBristol.com presents an excellent compilation of clips from 9/11 documentaries.

Face the Facts - Google Video

Face The Facts (WMV 28megs)


Whats The Truth

This 9/11 video by Doug Brown has some excellent footage.

Whats The Truth 1of3 (WMV 44megs)

Whats The Truth 2of3 (WMV 43megs)

Whats The Truth 3of3 (WMV 41megs)


9/11 TV

Blasted Reality

Another excellent compilation of original news footage by Reverend X.

Blasted Reality (WMV 42megs)


Scholars for 9/11 Truth Conference on CSPAN

Alex Jones held a conference on 9/11 issues in Los Angeles which was covered and aired on CSPAN July 29, 2006. On the panel, Professor James Fetzer, Professor Steven Jones, Webster Tarpley and Bob Bowman. Making appearances are Loose Change director Dylan Avery, Jimmy Walters and Barrie Zwicker. Not to be missed - Steven Jones has physical evidence of explosives use at the WTC which he shows during the presentation!

CSPAN Coverage of 911 Truth Conference 07292006 1of4 (WMV 47mb)

CSPAN Coverage of 911 Truth Conference 07292006 2of4 (WMV 47mb)

CSPAN Coverage of 911 Truth Conference 07292006 3of4 (WMV 47mb)

CSPAN Coverage of 911 Truth Conference 07292006 4of4 (WMV 47mb)

9/11 American Scholars Symposium Panel Discussion

The information highlight of the symposium was undoubtedly the Sunday morning panel discussion. The panel was a who?s who of the most credentialed 9/11 skeptics ever impaneled. It was moderated by Alex Jones who set the stage and pushed the envelope from his first statement; this seemed to energize the crowd as well as the panel members. The fact that C-Span had agreed to film this event had the panel chomping at the bit to hit bullet point after bullet point.

Symposium Panel Discussion - Google Video



Dutch TV on 9/11 Theories

Two prominent European politicians, Michael Meacher and Andreas von Bülow, have gone on the record saying that 9/11 was an inside job which was planned and carried out by the Bush Administration. This is a Dutch TV program called "TweeVandaag" that aired on September 9, 2005.

Twee Vandaag September 1st 2006 - Google Video

See also this interview with Michael Meacher and Andreas von Bülow expressing their serious doubts about the official version of the 9/11 story.

Attack or Gift from Heaven? - Google Video
English with Dutch subtitles


Charlie Sheen on CNN 3 Days

Movie and TV star Charlie Sheen got a lot of publicity for a phone conversation he had on Alex Jones radio show. A major public figure coming out and asking the tough questions of 9/11 is igniting interest in the truth - bravo! This is TV coverage of the interview.

Charlie Sheen on 911 20060322 (WMV 26megs)

Charlie Sheen on 911 20060323 (WMV 26megs)

Charlie Sheen on 911 20060324 (WMV 42megs)

Sharon Stone supports Charlie Sheen ( YOUTUBE)



Professor Steven Jones

of Brigham Young University detailed how the collapses of the WTC were most likely caused by explosives.
His astounding story was covered fairly by a local Utah TV station.

Professor Steven Jones on Utah TV News (WMV 7mb)


David Ray Griffin

The first major nationwide TV speech on the 911 issues by the author of "The New Pearl Harbor" and
"The 911 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions".

David Ray Griffin Speech on CSPAN2 April 30 2005 Part 1 (WMV 47mb)

David Ray Griffin Speech on CSPAN2 April 30 2005 Part 2 (WMV 47mb


911 Report Card CSPAN

feed of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinneys critical review of the 9/11 Commission Report,
touches on many important problems in the 9/11 story but not the demolitions of the buildings

Cynthia McKinney on CSPAN - 911 report card 1 of 4 (WMV 47megs)

Cynthia McKinney on CSPAN - 911 report card 2 of 4 (WMV 47megs)

Cynthia McKinney on CSPAN - 911 report card 3 of 4 (WMV 47megs)

Cynthia McKinney on CSPAN - 911 report card 4 of 4 (WMV 47megs)



Oil, Smoke & Mirrors.Video Google

The DVD, with 60 mins of additional interview material, can be purchased at www.OilSmokeAndMirrors.com.
Through a series of impressively candid, informed and articulate interviews, this film argues that the bizzare events surrounding the 9/11 attacks, and the equally bizzare
prosecution of the so-called "war on terror", can be more credibly understood in the wider context of an imminent and critical divergence between available global oil supply and
increasing global oil demand.

"Tatort" ("Crime Scene")

600. Folge - Radio Bremen

"View/Download here
German with english subtitles
Deutsch mit englischen Untertiteln

A fictional crime drama based on the premise that the Bush administration ordered the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Washington aired this week on German state television "Tatort," which translates to "Crime Scene," is a drama with a rotating cast of actors solving mysteries in weekly episodes set throughout Germany. The U.S. Embassy in Berlin was not impressed with the latest episode, which seemed to use haunting Arabic music to portray Arabs and Muslims as innocent victims of American aggression. "Any claim or suggestion that the United States government was behind the 9/11 disaster is absolutely absurd and not worthy of further comment," said Robert A. Wood, spokesman for the embassy. Washington Times Article>

Building the WTC

Interesting 20 minute documentary about the construction of the World Trade Center. Notice how much care and attention was given to it's strength and ability to withstand damage

Building the World Trade Center (WMV 47megs)



7.Juli 2005 - London 7/7

Ludicrious Diversion 7/7

On the 7th of July 2005 London was hit by a series of explosions. You probably think you know what happened that day. But you don&rsquot.

The police have, from the onset of their investigation, chosen to withold from the public almost every bit of evidence they claim to have and have provably lied about several aspects of the London Bombings.

The mainstream news has wilfully spread false, unsubstantiated and unverifiable information, while choosing to completely ignore the numerous inconsistencies and discrepancies in the official story.

The government has finally, after a year, presented us with their official &lsquonarrative&rsquo concerning the event. Within hours it was shown to contain numerous errors, a fact since admitted by the Home Secretary John Reid. They have continuously rejected calls for a full, independent public inquiry. Tony Blair himself described such an inquiry as a &lsquoludicrous diversion&rsquo. What don&rsquot they want us to find out? Contact

Ludicrous Diversion - 7/7 London Bombings Documentary - Google Video .................. Download

7/7 Mind the Gap

Documentary detailing the gaps in the official story of the 7/7 London Bombings that demand further attention. This film, presented by ex-Mi5 whistleblower David Shayler, argues the need for an Independant Public Inquiry into 7/7 and the surrounding events.

Mind The Gap - London 7/7/05 Bombings - Google Video................... Download

London 7/7 Release 6

This video attempts to summarise the current state of conspiracy theories
surrounding the London 7/7 bombings.

London 7/7 Release 6 - Google Video

Terrorstorm - Ausschnitt

London 7/7 - Auschnitt aus Terrorstorm - deutsch snychronisiert - Google Video



Videos auf Deutsch

Einige der Filme auf DVD erhältlich - COOP Kunstcafe Rochstr.3 Berlin Mitte ab 18.00 Uhr Tel 030 25762764

hier auch die Gratis DVD FreeLooseChange.com



deutsch synchronisierte Fassung jetzt online

Loose Change deutsche Synchronfassung - Google Video

Hier Downloadlinks in 4 Teilen (jeweils 406 MB) HELP

Teil 1...... Teil 2...... Teil 3...... Teil 4

hier als Audiodatei MP3

Terrorstorm - Terrorsturm - deutsche Synchronisation - Google Video................... Download



TERRORSTORM: Die Geschichte von Regierungs-Terrorismus (Download)

Der neue Film von Alex Jones, TERRORSTORM, legt in einer frontalen Attacke auf die Architekten des globalen Terrorismus die wahre Geschichte vergangener Anschläge offen: Golf von Tonkin, der Angriff auf die USS Liberty, Operation Gladio, die Bombenanschläge in Madrid und London und viele mehr. Zu den interviewten Experten zählen u.a. ex-MI5-Agent David Shayler der vom Plot des MI6 erfuhr, Al-Quaida-Terroristen für ein Attentat auf Gaddafi einzusetzen.

Mit deutscher Synchronisation in kompletter Länge.


911 Revisited

Wurden die Twin Towers sowie Gebäude 7 am 11. September 2001 durch Sprengladungen zum Einsturz gebracht? Das zumindest behauptet der Film 9/11 Revisited von Dustin Mugford.

deutsche Untertitelversion - online ansehen bei nuoviso.de



Neu Internationale Stimmen zum 11. September - deutsch


Kriegslügen Irak - Bush Nazi Verbindungen - deutsch Video Google


911 Mysteries - Deutsche Untertitel - Google Video

Aktenzeichen 11.9.ungelöst - 2003 einmalig im WDR gesendet - von Willy Brunner and Gerhard Wisnewski

Deutschsprachig engl UT - Google Video ........................... Download

File 911 Unsolved 1of2 (WMV 48megs)

File 911 Unsolved 2of2 (WMV 48megs)


Gladio - Geheimarmee der Nato - Daniele Ganser - Video Google Link

Who Killed John O'Neill - Deutsche Untertitel - Google Video


Martial Law 9/11 - Deutsche Untertitel 1/5 - Google Video

Martial Law 9/11 - Deutsche Untertitel 2/5 - Google Video

Martial Law 9/11 - Deutsche Untertiel 3/5 - Google Video

Martial Law 9/11 - Deutsche Untertitel 4/5 - Google Video

Martial Law 9/11 - Deutsche Untertitel 5/5 - Google Video

9/11 Martial Law - Deutsche Untertitel - Download


11.09.2001 Beweise auf den Tisch ( World Trade Center ) Video Google Link


NEU --- DVD "USA - Verdeckte Operationen" von Frank Dorrel

Deutsche Version in 7 Teilen

Martin Luther King - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 1/9

CIA Station Chief John Stockwell - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 2/9

Die Iran-Contra Affäre - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 3/9

School of Americas - Schule der Mörder - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 4/9

Völkermord durch Sanktionen - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 5/9

Völkermord in Indonesien und Osttimor - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 6/9

Bill Moyers - Secret Government - Geheime Regierung - Deutsche Untertitel

Ramsey Clarke über US-Außenpolitik - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 8/9

Vietnam und Südamerika - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 9/9

Pananma Deception 10/9


Das schmutzige Geschäft mit den Nazis - Das 3.Reich und die US-Industrie - Google Video.............. Download

Bush's Nazi - Verbindungen - - Bush's Nazi Links - deutsche Untertitel - Google Video................ Download

Why we fight - Die Kriegsgeschäfte der USA -Arte-TV-Doku Video Google


Reportage über die Machenschaften von Kissinger 3Sat Video Google Link


11.September NYC 9/11 Demo 2006 deutsch YouTube Link


False Flag Videos

- - Film von Alex Jones -


TERRORSTORM explores who pulls the strings and who benefits from the dark spectacle of modern warfare. This incredible new film answers the question: do the people know how they are controlled?

Do they understand the systems of power that surround them, the modern prop machines of public relations that wash their brains and fill their minds full of ball games and mindless fluff?

Is the population beginning to realize that governments throughout history have used the spector of fear to drive their populations to acquiesce to total tyranny?

TERRORSTORM examines September 11th, national ID cards, Big Brothers, the Iraq War, the 7/7 Bombings in London, and the invasion of Iran to reveal exactly how are they all connected.

TERRORSTORM begins with a look at historical events that are not contested. Events where the fact of government sponsered terror is not debated but in fact openly admited to by western governments.

This powerful documentary explores the mindset of the average brainwashed westerner and delves deeply in to those systems of control which have been designed to imprison their minds and keep their eyes closed to the realities of the world around them.


Terrorstorm - English Version

deutsche Fassunug Downloadlink



Terrorstorm - Terrorsturm - deutsche Synchronisation - Google Video................... Download

Terrorstorm - deutsche Synchronisation - Download Links

Terrorstorm - Svensk Subtitles - Google Video

Terrorstorm - Dansk Subtitles - Google Video




3 part BBC documentary from 1991. Recommended!

Part One: The Ringmasters - Google Video

Part Two: The Puppeteers - Google Video

Part Three: The Footsoldiers - Google Video


Power of Nightmares

Rise Of The Politics Of Fear

This BBC series studies the power of politics, and how the promise of a better world has turned into a promise of safety from danger to make themselves more powerful, and how these threats are simply illusions. Although 9/11 is glossed over in this documentary, the rest of the information is useful regarding the creation of false threats to strengthen control of government and relieve citizens of their freedoms.

Part One: Baby It's Cold Outside (73.2 MB)

Part Two: The Phantom Victory (71.3 MB)

Part Three: The Shadows in the Cave (71.3 MB)


Power Of Nightmares 1of6 (WMV 48megs)

Power Of Nightmares 2of6 (WMV 48megs)

Power Of Nightmares 3of6 (WMV 48megs)

Power Of Nightmares 4of6 (WMV 48megs)

Power Of Nightmares 5of6 (WMV 48megs)

Power Of Nightmares 6of6 (WMV 48megs)



Other Videos

NEU --- DVD "USA - Verdeckte Operationen" von Frank Dorrel


Deutsche Version in 7 Teilen

ganz zum downloaden



bei Video Google

Martin Luther King - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 1/9

CIA Station Chief John Stockwell - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 2/9

Die Iran-Contra Affäre - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 3/9

School of Americas - Schule der Mörder - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 4/9

Völkermord durch Sanktionen - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 5/9

Völkermord in Indonesien und Osttimor - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 6/9

Bill Moyers - Secret Government - Geheime Regierung - Deutsche Untertitel

Ramsey Clarke über US-Außenpolitik - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 8/9

Vietnam und Südamerika - Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt - 9/9

Pananma Deception 10/9


hier in der englischen Originalfassung

What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy

Frank Dorrel's eye-opening video compilation of America's real activities in other countries over the years. What happened in Panama, the Iran-Contra affair, Indonesia and East Timor? CIA agents, journalists, behind-the-scenes observers talk.

What I've Learned About U.S...- Google Video



Assasination of JKF Jr. (Download)

# Overwhelming, jaw-dropping evidence of foul play in the death of John Kennedy Jr., all based on official government documents:
# the search of the crash site was delayed an incomprehensible 15 hours;
# there was, indeed, a flight instructor on the plane, whose body is missing;
# it is clear that someone one on that plane committed suicide, shutting off the fuel control valve before plunging the plane into the sea.
# The prime suspect, George W. Bush, though very publicly running for president, disappeared the day of the murder and stayed missing for 3 days.



JFK II: The Bush Connection (Download)

by J Hankey

"A thorough, documented, criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy. If we could present this evidence to a jury in Texas, he would pay with his life."

Tags: JFK, Bush, Assasination, Kennedy, Conspiracy

Banking with Hitler (Download)

371 Swiss banks stand accused of collaborating with the Nazis during World War II. This was suspected at the time by by U.S. Secretary of Treasury Henry Morgenthau, who began investigating this collaboration. He found the Swiss were not alone. His archives reveal that both British and American bankers continued to do business with Hitler, even as Germany was invading Europe and bombing London.

This investigative film shows in detail the roles played by the Anglo-German banking clique. Key members of the Bank of England together with their German counterparts established the BIS, the Bank for International Settlement, which laundered the plundered gold of Europe. On its board were key Nazis such as Walther Funk and Hjalamar Schact The president of BIS was an American, Thomas McKittrick, who readily socialized with leading Nazis. Not only the BIS, but other allied banks worked hand in hand with the Nazis. One of the biggest American banks kept a branch open in Occupied Paris and, with full knowledge of the managers in the U.S., froze the accounts of French Jews. Deprived of money to escape France, many ended up in death camps.

When Pres. Roosevelt died in April 1945, Morganthau lost his protector and his crusade against the banks came to an end. He was further weakened when men in his department were accused of being Communists during the McCarthy era. This incredible story contains interviews with surviving members of banking families and Morganthaus investigative team as well as newly found archive material.

Tags: Hitler, Banking, Bush, Cooperation, US-Banks, Nazis, Nazi Germany



The Oil Factor:

Behind the War on Terror (2004)

In 2004, three years into President Bush's "war-on-terror", is the world a safer place than it was in the summer of 2001? Have the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan been met with the kind of successes "against terrorism" that had been promised by the Bush administration? These questions remain unresolved.

Was invading Iraq and Afghanistan really meant to reduce terrorist threats or was it a ploy to to implement another agenda? Is it a coincidence that in their "war-on-terror" George Bush and Dick Cheney targeted Iraq, a country known to possess the second largest oil reserves in the world? Is it another coincidence U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Central Asia are based near Central Asian oil and natural gas fields?

According to most experts, the Middle East holds 70% of the world oil reserves while North America, Europe and Japan are primary consumers. And, while emerging technologies might provide alternatives to oil used for energy, these innovations cannot remedy the need for oil used in plastics which accounts for about half of all present uses for oil.

With easy to understand maps and graphics, "The Oil Factor" looks at dwindling oil reserves and current consumption. It presents recognized oil experts, a Pentagon insider and pro-Bush administration officials to identify motives for invading Afghanistan and Iraq, and the positioning of U.S. troops around the world wherever oil is pumped or shipped, deployments not generally known by most Americans at this time. "The Oil Factor" presents behind-the-scenes manipulations of the Bush-Cheney government pertinent to current military activities in the region.

After a year and a half of investigation and a three month trip covering Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, "The Oil Factor" looks at both the human cost and the greater geo-strategic picture of the Bush administration's "war-on-terror". Along with solid facts and figures, clear, illustrative maps and graphics and original footage shot on location, "The Oil Factor" features such personalities as Zbigniew Brzezinski, Noam Chomsky, The Project for the New American Century Director Gary Schmitt, best-seller "Taliban" author Ahmed Rashid and the Pentagon's Karen Kwiatkowski.

The Oil Factor - Google Video



Falluja - The Hidden Massacre

U.S. Use of Phosphorus Bombs in Iraq

This disturbing documentary by Sigfrido Ranucci, produced for Italian state broadcaster RAI TV, examines evidence that the US military used chemical flesh eating weapons called white phosphorus on the people of Falluja in Iraq, even though such chemical weapons were banned, as well as being ostensibly the reason we had to remove Saddam as dictator of Iraq.

Featuring interviews with U.S. soldiers, Iraqi doctors and international journalists on the U.S. attack on Fallujah.

Fallujah - The hidden Massacre - Google Video

Falluja - The Hidden Massacre (WMV 44megs)


The U.S vs John Lennon on Video Google



The Whole Truth About The Iraq War

In his documentary feature, filmmaker Robert Greenwald chronicles the Bush Administration's determined quest to invade Iraq following the events of September 11, 2001. The film deconstructs the administration's case for war through interviews with U.S intelligence and defense officials, foreign service experts, and U.N. weapons inspectors ? including a former CIA director, a former ambassador to Saudi Arabia and even President's Bush's Secretary of the Army. Their analyses and conclusions are sobering, and often disturbing, regardless of one's political affiliations.

Uncovered - Google Video



Afghan Massacre

The Convoy of Death

Produced and directed by Irish filmmaker and former BBC producer Jamie Doran, the film tells the story of thousands of prisoners who surrendered to the US military's Afghan allies after the siege of Kunduz. According to the film, some three thousand of the prisoners were forced into sealed containers and loaded onto trucks for transport to Sheberghan prison. When the prisoners began shouting for air, U.S.-allied Afghan soldiers fired directly into the truck, killing many of them. The rest suffered through an appalling road trip lasting up to four days, so thirsty they clawed at the skin of their fellow prisoners as they licked perspiration and even drank blood from open wounds.

Witnesses say that when the trucks arrived and soldiers opened the containers, most of the people inside were dead. They also say US Special Forces re-directed the containers carrying the living and dead into the desert and stood by as survivors were shot and buried. Now, up to three thousand bodies lie buried in a mass grave.

Outraged human rights groups and lawyers are calling for an investigation but the U.N. special envoy to Afghanistan refuses any U.N.-backed investigation until the Afghan government can protect witnesses. Two of the witnesses in the film have already been killed.

The Convoy of Death - Google Video




Das schmutzige Geschäft mit den Nazis - Das 3.Reich und die US-Industrie deutsche Fassung

Das schmutzige Geschäft mit den Nazis - Das 3.Reich und die US-Industrie - Google Video.............. Download


Bush's Nazi - Verbindungen - - Bush's Nazi Links - deutsche Untertitel

Bush's Nazi - Verbindungen - - Bush's Nazi Links - deutsche Untertitel - Google Video................ Download

Nazi Concentration Camps - US Army filmed in 1945

Orwell Rolls in His Grave

The losing struggle against centralized media control in the US Congress. If 9/11 is such a big lie, why don't more newspapers and television stations 'break the story'? Well, a few do, but not many. Why not? One reason - Despite heroic efforts by many Congressmen and Senators to stop it, it now only requires the decision of a few key people to block stories from 99% of US newspaper and television. Do you know that 6 companies now control virtually all of the media, and that they regularly self-censor political investigations by their own reporters? An eye-opening documentary.


Orwell Rolls in his Grave 1of4 (WMV 48megs)

Orwell Rolls in his Grave 2of4 (WMV 48megs)

Orwell Rolls in his Grave 3of4 (WMV 48megs)

Orwell Rolls in his Grave 4of4 (WMV 48megs)



The Corporation

One hundred and fifty years ago, the corporation was a relatively insignificant entity. Today, it is a vivid, dramatic and pervasive presence in all our lives. Like the Church, the Monarchy and the Communist Party in other times and places, the corporation is today's dominant institution.

This film details the psychological profile of the Corporation, an entity which controls our world, health, information, entertainment, food and political systems. Recommended!

The Corporation - Trailer - Google Video

The Corporation 1of6 (WMV 47megs)

The Corporation 2of6 (WMV 47megs)

The Corporation 3of6 (WMV 47megs)

The Corporation 4of6 (WMV 47megs)

The Corporation 5of6 (WMV 47megs)

The Corporation 6of6 (WMV 47megs)



America: From Freedom to Facism

Aaron Russo's: America Freedom to Fascism Authorized version - Google Video .................... Download


Bush Family Fortunes (2003)

This hour long documentary follows the award-winning reporter-sleuth Greg Palast on the trail of the Bush family, from Florida election finagling, to the Saudi connection, to the Bush team's spiking the FBI investigation of the bin Laden family and the secret State Department plans for post-war Iraq.

These are the hard-hitting reports that have been seen in films like Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, broadcast internationally on BBC Newsnight television, and are found in Palast's international bestselling book "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy".

Bush's Family Fortunes - Google Video



Vote Fraud


The 2000 Presidential Election

Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election is the riveting story about the battle for the Presidency in Florida and the undermining of democracy in America. Filmmakers Richard Ray P?ez and Joan Sekler examine modern America's most controversial political contest: the election of George W. Bush. What emerges is a disturbing picture of an election marred by suspicious irregularities, electoral injustices, and sinister voter purges in a state governed by the winning candidate's brother.

George W. Bush stole the presidency of the United States' and got away with it. "The movie highlights those on the front lines ?from the African-Americans who were turned away from the polling booths for assorted reasons. In one memorable scene the filmmakers freeze-frame a 'protest' against the ballot recount, identifying participants as staff members of Republican elected officials."

--Elaine Dutka, Los Angeles Times

Unprecedented - Google Video



Greg Palast - Florida Election Fraud Scandal 10-26-2004

In Jacksonville, to determine if Republicans were using "caging lists" (1,886 names and addresses of voters in traditionally Democrat areas of Jacksonville, Florida.) or other means of intimidating voters, newsnight filmed a private detective filming every "early voter" - the majority of whom are black - from behind a vehicle with blacked-out windows. The private detective claimed not to know who was paying for his all-day services. On the scene, Democratic Congresswoman Corinne Brown said the surveillance operation was part of a campaign of intimidation tactics used by the Republican Party to intimidate and scare off African American voters, almost all of whom are registered Democrats.

Part 1: Part One - YouTube
Part 2:
Part Two - YouTube


Rigged US Elections Exposed By Programmer

A programmer, Clinton Curtis, states under oath during a hearing in Ohio, that he has personally written software for a congressman that would flip votes 51/49 in electronic voting machines.

Rigged US Elections Exposed By Programmer - Google Video



The Presidential Election Special Edition

Votergate, an action documentary, follows a young team on their nationwide investigation of the current
problems with our voting systems and elections procedures. Fast-paced and engaging, Votergate reveals the shocking story of how touchscreen voting systems are highly susceptible to hacking and how these systems are being implemented across the country without the proper checks and balances to insure accuracy and accountability.

Votergate - Google Video

Voting Machines Documentary - Google Video



Music & Videocollages

Bushtrash Videos

Ganjaman - Columbus YouTube

Bushtrash - Gracias Tio Sam - google Loose Change

9/11 Bushtrash Rap YouTube

Remo Conscious - "Lies" Official Music Video

Music Video "We Know" from album "Infiltration" by Remo Conscious. You Tube

9/11 Building 7 Music Video You Tube

YouTube - Beastie Boys 911 truth - Loose Change Recap

YouTube - Immortal Technique- 9/11 The Cause of Death

911 kennedy bushtrash - Google Video

911 Bushtrash Peace - Google Video

Patsy Bushtrash - Google Video

COOP TV Bushtrash madeinbushfreezone 911 Peace - Google Video

PinkGuerrilla in Berlin Bushtrash 911 - Google Video

YouTube - bushtrash western lets roll 911

YouTube 9/11 bushtrash arabian dance 911art

YouTube - bushtrash 911

YouTube - 911 Exilart

YouTube - Immortal Technique - The Getaway - DVD Footage

YouTube - Immortal Technique - Fourth Branch of the Military

Immortal Technique - 4th Branch - Google Video

bust bush - Immortal Techique Google Video

The Point of No Return - Immortal Technique Google Video

The Fall of America 9/11- Google Video

911 Cause Of Death - Google Video

September 11 Musical Tribute - Google Video

YouTube - Immortal Technique - What Hip-Hop is Clip

Depeche Mode John The Revelator - Google Video

Land of Confusion ......... Download

Ministries Lies Lies Lies .............. Download

Smoking Gun music video by One Room Army ©2006 - Google Video

Bush step down - Google Video

9/11 events






Produktion "Louder Than Words" www.loosechange911.com

Made in USA

"Loose Change" Filmvorführung: 3.11.06, 19.00 Uhr Kinosaal der Humboldt Universität - Berlin

Eintritt frei

VERANSTALTUNG KURZFRISTIG ABGESAGT - Ein neuer Veranstaltungstermin wird in Kürze bekanntgegeben.

PRESSEERKLÄRUNG Berlin, den 3.11.2006
Vorauseilender Gehorsam an der Humboldt Universität

Die Humboldt Universität Berlin untersagt die Filmvorführung von "Loose Change", die am Freitag, den 3.11.2006 um 19 Uhr im Kinosaal der HU Berlin stattfinden sollte.

Drei junge US-Amerikaner stellten Mitte 2005 mit „Loose Change“ einen Dokumentarfilm ins Internet, der sich mit unbeantworteten Fragen der Vorgänge des 11. September 2001 auseinandersetzt. Der Film zweifelt die offizielle Darstellung der Ereignisse an und zeigt u.a. die Widersprüchlichkeiten der Geschehnisse auf. Die Filmemacher appellieren an die Zuschauer, die Fakten und Zeitdokumente selbst zu prüfen und zu beurteilen, ob die offizielle Darstellung der Vorgänge des 11.09.01 tatsächlich so stimmen kann.

"Loose Change" enthält viele Indizien, die dafür sprechen, dass 9/11 eine ausgeklügelte Täuschungsoperation gewesen ist, welche die Bush-Regierung inszeniert hat, um einen Vorwand zu haben den 'Krieg gegen den Terror' beginnen zu können und damit ihre geopolitischen Machtstrategien durchzusetzen.

Der Film "Loose Change", wurde bislang über 70 Millionen Mal bei Google Video heruntergeladen und ist damit weltweit der erste Internet Blockbuster. Die Version mit deutschen UT wurde seit Juni 2.000.000 Mal im Internet angesehen.

Fernsehsender in Frankreich, Israel, Italien, Polen, Belgien, Holland und Australien haben "Loose Change" gesendet. Selbst Hollywood ist aufmerksam geworden - mehrere grosse Filmstudios haben Interesse an der Koproduktion einer Kinoversion gezeigt, die Anfang 2007 beim Sundance Film Festival in den USA uraufgeführt werden wird.

Es gibt zu denken, dass ein Film aus den USA, der dazu aufruft selbst zu recherchieren und zu prüfen, an der Humboldt Universität Berlin zensiert wird. Die eindeutige Intention des Filmes besteht darin, den vielen Ungereimtheiten in Verbindung mit dem 11. September nachzugehen und das scheinbar Undenkbare zu denken. Dieser Vorgang ist in dieser Form für eine deutsche Hochschule einmalig, zumal der Film "Loose Change" an Dutzenden von US-Universitäten ohne jegliche Reglementierung gezeigt worden ist. Ausserdem haben amerikanische Studenten Tausende von DVDs hergestellt und an ihre Kommilitonen verteilt.

Für den 3.11.2006 wurde eine kostenlose Filmvorführung dieses Films im Kinosaal der Humboldt Universität beantragt und diese wurde Anfang Oktober 2006 sowohl mündlich als auch schriftlich genehmigt. Diese Genehmigung wurde kurzfristig am 31.10.2006 durch das Büro des Präsidenten der Humboldt Universität (unterzeichnet von Herrn Kuhring) zurückgezogen. Vordergründig wurde die ungerechtfertigte Annullierung der Genehmigung mit Verfahrensfehlern begründet.

Folgende Punkte des Schreibens sprechen allerdings eine eindeutige Sprache:

....."Der Film behandelt die Attentate und terroristischen Akte des 11.9.2001 in den Vereinigten Staaten und stellt Behauptungen auf, die eine Verantwortlichkeit und unmittelbare Täterschaft des Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten und anderer Personen der dortigen Administration, aber auch von Personen aus der dortigen Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft unterstellen."...

Und weiter im Schreiben des Büros des Präsidenten der HU:

....."Das öffentliche Interesse wird auch mit dem AGG und dem dort enthaltenen Diskriminierungsverbot begründet. Der Film enthält rassistische und diskriminierende Behauptungen, die innerhalb des öffentlichen Bereichs nicht unterstützt verbreitet werden dürfen. Ferner wird durch eine solche Verbreitung das Ansehen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und das internationale Zusammenwirken gefährdet. Auch droht ein Imageverlust für die HU, wenn Sie in einem Atemzug mit dieser Filmpräsentation genannt wird.".....

....."Der Film ist ein Machwerk, dass Vorurteile und unwissenschaftliche Behauptungen vorträgt und pseudowissenschaftlich Beweise vorspiegelt, die weder naturwissenschaftlich, noch geistes- oder rechtswissenschaftlich, sowohl im amerikanischen Wissenschaftssystem, als auch in der europäischen Science Community tragbar sind.".....

Gegen diesen nicht gerechtfertigten Kündigungsbescheid der HU Berlin, behalten wir uns jegliche juristischen Schritte vor.

Die enorme weltweite Verbreitung von "Loose Change"- über 70 Millionen Downloads - wurde ermöglicht, indem das Copyright für "Loose Change" von den Produzenten ausdrücklich ausgesetzt wurde. Am 11.9. kamen Menschen aller Religionen, Weltanschauungen und Herkunft ums Leben. Die Filmemacher verstehen sich als Teil einer globalen Bewegung, die eine neue internationale Untersuchung des 11.9.2001 einfordert.

Dieses wird auch durch neue Umfragen in den USA untermauert, denen zufolge ein Drittel der Bevölkerung starke Zweifel an der offiziellen Darstellung der Geschehnisse hat und vermutet, dass die Regierung in irgendeiner Weise in die Anschläge verwickelt ist.

Seit Ende Juli 2006 erschienen auch in der deutschsprachigen Presse (z.B. FAZ, ZDF heute-journal, Tagesspiegel, Berliner Zeitung vom 6.9.2006, Spiegel TV, WDR, 3Sat, N24) vermehrt Berichte über den Film und über die Bestrebungen in den USA eine neue unabhängige Untersuchungskommission einzurichten.

Auf der Webseite der abgesagten Filmvorführung www.911video.de wird darüberhinaus ausdrücklich auf folgendes hingewiesen: "Diese Webseite bekennt sich zu Toleranz gegenüber Menschen gleich welcher Herkunft und Religion."


Link .....LINK

........................................................english translation





"Artikel 5 [Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland]
(1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen
Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten.
Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet.Eine Zensur findet nicht statt."


Umfrage von CBS und New York Times:

81% der US-Amerikaner bezweifeln, dass Bush im Zusammenhang mit 9/11 die Wahrheit sagt.

Frage: Wenn es darum geht, was Mitglieder der Regierung Bush vor 9/11 über mögliche Terroranschläge in den USA wussten, glauben Sie:
-dass diese die Wahrheit sagen,
-zum größten Teil die Wahrheit sagen aber etwas verheimlichen,
-oder zum größten Teil lügen?

Die Antworten waren folgendermaßen verteilt:
Nur 16% glauben, dass die Regierung die Wahrheit sagt.
53% glauben, dass die Regierung zum größten Teil die Wahrheit sagt aber etwas verheimlicht.
Und 28% glauben, dass die Regierung sie zum größten Teil anlügt.

Im Zusammenhang mit dieser neuen Umfrage muss auch darauf hingewiesen werden, dass bei einer früheren Umfrage auf MSNBC.com unter mehr als 70.000 Teilnehmern bereits 61% der Meinung waren, dass die Regierung Bush auf irgendeine Weise in die Anschläge verwickelt sei.
Tatsache ist, dass im Mai 2002 erst 8% glaubten von ihrer Regierung hinsichtlich der Terroranschläge zum größten Teil belogen worden zu sein. Dagegen glaubten noch 21%, dass sie die Wahrheit sagt.



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